My Life... from the beginning

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Another swim date, another Swimsuit

Mummy loves buying me swimsuit, eh... dun ask me why. This is the latest!! Lucky I get to show it off before I outgrew it again, thanks to Auntie Sheron!!

ermmm... dad... dad.... DADDY!!!!! u realise we're moving towards the waterfall??????? STOP STOP STOP!!!!!!

AHHHHHHHHH, I'm drenched!!!!! U meanie meanie meanie... Is my hair messy?

Oh look!! Here comes another victim.


Anonymous said...

megan's swimsuit so niceeeeeee!!!! she looks so pretty in it.....Yeah!!!! finally get 2 see megan with her hair down kekeke

Evonne said...

haha..ya ya..her hair down make her look so si wen wor...

K said...

swimming.... hai.... when can mandy get 2 swim.... hai...

hiyo, megan is so cute! tho i prefer her hair up! hehehe...

Calynn said...

hee hee... she looks wierd though.. now tat i'm so used to her hair up!!

average Joan said...

lemme guess! w*water? my fren used to live there!

Calynn said...

no no... hee hee.. it's the esparis...